
Gritos em mim

As saudades batem como pedras no peito,
deixam marcas que não se vêm,
cá dentro
mas são marcas que desejo ter.
São gritos mudos do teu nome,
são as tuas mãos que me rasgam o peito
e agarram o coração, sabendo que te pertence.
E o teu toque é esperado, é sonhado,



about this thing which we call feelings, what are they? how do they come to?
well, i'm not a psychiatrist, psychologist or some neurologist or whoever studies this things. instead i'll write some words about it and hopefully make some sense, and correct me if i'm wrong.
so, i think we should start in the beginning, how does a feeling appear? we could say it's because something happened to trigger it, a picture we see, a conversation, missing someone/something. a whole lot of stuff... but it's because of a thought. a simple thought about someone, can bring a the most pure happiness, can bring sadness, anger, lust... or, imagination, which is still thought, about a fantasy... a vengeance in the making, anything. it starts with thought. you may wander, can i control my thoughts so my feelings are always good and happy? no, you can't, by trying to control them you are hiding another thought, another feeling, the one you don't wan't, and it's controlling you without you even knowing it. but more on this later...
so, that's how it starts, and mostly how it ends, a new thought comes around and takes the place of the old one. well... not quite. there's this feeling called love, when you love someone/something (yes, some people love things...) that feeling won't end just like that, hopefully, it won't end! and this is the tricky part, because there is no thought in love, it just is... going to metaphors now, like there's two halves and the other one is the better part of you.
and love just shut me up... :)